Confidentiality in tests

You do not need to provide us with any personal data, the results and analytics are completely confidential.

Call us at 93 408 91 05

All our tests are performed WITHOUT AN APPOINTMENT with our doctor:

The results of the rapid tests are obtained in 20 minutes and the medical consultation is already included in the cost of the rapid test.

Other conventional analytics (traditional method) in which our clients show interest:

– Bacterial culture
– Mycological culture
– Trichomoniasis
– EPSTEIN-BARR mononucleosis
– ETS / STI Panel (PCR): Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Mycoplasma genitalium, Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealtycum, Ureaplasma parvum, Trichomonas vaginalis.
Check the options in rates, you can take only the test you want or there are also packs.


We preserve your privacy, present this document at the entrance and it will not be necessary for you to say what the reason for your inquiry is.

Print the document and with a pen select the type of consultation you need. [sdm_download id=”754″ fancy=”0″ color=”green”]

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Médicos reconocidos

HORARIO: Lunes a Viernes 8:00h a 20:00h ininterrumpidamente

Sábados 9h a 13h

Si tienes dudas puedes contactarnos por WhatsApp en el 601 64 48 65

Para más información llama al 93 408 91 05 o escríbenos a info@cmtravessera.com     


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