Take the rapid test for Treponema Pallidum or LUES:


  • Specimen: This test is done using a finger prick.
    Results: obtained in 20 minutes.
    Our doctor will solve any doubts you may have about a possible contagion or symptoms that you present.

Call Us at 93 408 91 05

If in your case you have already suffered a syphilis infection before, the rapid test will always show a positive result, since it will detect antibodies in the blood, so this type of test is not indicated in this case.

If you suspect that the infection may have reappeared, we will monitor you through blood tests. In this case, you will have the result in approximately 24 hours, showing the information both quantitatively and qualitatively, that is, if the infection has been reactivated and how much it is present at this time.

Do not hesitate to take the test and ensure your health and that of those around you.


Total confidentiality.

What is syphilis and how is it transmitted?

Syphilis is an STD or STI caused by bacteria. It infects the genital area, lips, mouth, or anus and affects both men and women. It is usually acquired through sexual contact with a person who has it. It can also be passed from mother to baby during pregnancy.

The early stage of syphilis usually causes a single, small, painless sore. Sometimes it causes inflammation of nearby lymph nodes. If left untreated, it usually causes a non-itchy rash, often on the hands and feet. Many people do not notice the symptoms for years. Symptoms may disappear and appear again.

Syphilis sores make it easier to get or spread HIV during sex. If you are pregnant, syphilis can cause birth defects or miscarriages. In rare cases, syphilis causes serious health problems and even death.

If detected early, the disease is easily cured with antibiotics. The correct use of latex condoms greatly reduces, but does not eliminate, the risk of acquiring and spreading syphilis.

Source NIH: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

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